Friday, April 25, 2008

A mandala for Steph


steph said...

I am utterly charmed that you thought to make a mandala just for me, Megan. Thank you so much. What a wonderful surprise to start my day!

The contrast is lovely. It looks like it might really rain today, so I plan to settle indoors with Kelly and sketch out a mandala or two in basic pen-and-ink to add to the beautiful mandala art popping up around Soul Food.

Best laid plans being what they are, I can well enough see me getting waylaid into some fabric work instead. Kelly needs proper bedding for her couch. Proper Steph-style I-love-Kelly- bedding-and-glad-she's-here bedding, not just the green and blue fleece blanket that has been making-do for now.

All life and love must be acknowledged and celebrated properly, just as you have done by taking the time to make a mandala for Steph. Thank you, love. I needed that.


Jill said...

Oh this one is just beautiful - it has the feel of one gigantic flower opening for the onlooker - wonderful work Megan.